Look at the whole world laugh at America, including me. The whole country buried in scandals. Liar politicians taking advantage of all America. Bigger government getting 6 figure pay checks and they do nothing for the people. The country so deep in debt it will never get out of it.
FBI Agents laying with prostitutes. The government stealing information from Americans, but they can't get anything about criminal and terrorist. The government actually patronizes them. Criminals making a mockery of our court system. Now the criminals call the shots in the courts. Remember you snoops, what goes around comes around. Cutting the elderly's care and social security and turning everyone against the old people. Blaming the old for the debt the county is in when it was the governments greed and stupidy. They want to get rid of the old people faster, because of the love for money. Does everyone know that if an American want to give up their US Citizenship, you have to pay the US Government $25,000.00. They'll chase you to another country for it too.
University students who can't read and write. Teachers who force their communist thoughts on students.
The US Army with 2600 people involved in their prostitution ring. Also in January 2014, 34 Air Force Officers were involved in cheating scandal. Also some Marines admitted that Marines carried Serine Gas to kill other American while they were in Kuwait back during Desert Storm. Don't even bother trying to convince me that these crap heads are hero's.
America, deserting Israel, it's best friend.
The White House being redecorated like the Middle East.
Cops taking bribes, watching porno, taking drugs& cheating on their spouses. In January 2014, 80, maybe more involved in disability fraud, because they're too lazy to work. The FCC sitting around all day watching porno.
Here is what they call educated & intelligent people. Everyone remember the woman astronaut who wore diapers to stalk a man all over the country.
Lazy drunken bums getting social security disability and druggies too. Whores all over the country, pregnant, living off of tax payers money.
People actually getting away with murder. And the just get no justice.
No one but no one will stand up for whats right. Even the government is too coward to stand up to terrorist. The country being led around by the nose by illegals. Everyone beating around the bush about what right and wrong. Schools afraid of little kids with pop tarts. Schools drugging up little kids on Ritalin, Zolof, Torfonal, etc. so they will become nothing in life. It seems to me Nikita Khrushcev was right about America destroying herself. America has the ordosity to criticize China. What a joke America has become. I have to crack up laughing because this is Americas last fart and that will be it.
Politician flaunting nude pictures of their selves on the internet.
The military took all kinds of drugs in Viet Nam & now the military has found a new drug they like to take. If you think I'm going to honor & remember them you are out of your minds. There scum too.
Another thing, the government is a bunch of bull crap with all their laws. They don't obey them & they don't enforce them. The morons want to make some more moron laws too.
What do you all think laws are for. OH! There not for you. You all think you're above the law, is that right. You all will get what you deserve one day.
Snowden did nothing wrong, the government did.
Remember all the innocent people killed at Ruby Ridge and Waco. They were killed by the government under President Bill Clinton. They were conspiracy murders on Americans.
Give me a break, America the greatest country in the world. It's a real laugh. In the Bible, God calls America the whore of the world, and I believe it most likely is. If America isn't the whore who is!!
Lets face it the government can't play it straight and preform. They will just stick it up everyone backsides. It has been a real joke being an American. The greatest country in the world. It's a piece of crap.
I can't stand any politicians. They are all BS. Don't think any of you are going to get my vote. I write in who I want in office.
The Government protects satellite criminals who torture people. They just don't give a crap.
Another thing, I took an American flag and tore it up and used it for rags to wash my floor. The Government is guilt of let atrocities go on in America.
Look how great America is now. The land of no jobs, the land of high taxes, the land of a lousy educational system, the land of more crime than any other country and the land of snoops & spies.
Name 5 things great about America now.
Don't try to say your own people in New York State don't commit atrocities on American people either. You'll be stuck in your own traps for as long as you live. Flunkie, flunkie, flunkie.
I'm going to belittle the American Government, just like you let New York State belittle, ruin, and interfere in my life. Doofy, doofy, doofy America.
I'm sick of you snots in high power with all of you filthy crap.