i saw this all for myself in new york state. i lived there for many years. i saw teenagers, girls as well as boys crap in their hands and wipe it on the walls in houses. incest is rampart in new york. brothers and sisters having babies together and the results are retardation. a lot of them live in the back woods of new york in broken down buses. in bars they throw mattresses on the floors and do the sex act for the public. police taking bribes from people all over the place. 12 year old girls pregnant and their boyfriends have taken off and left them. the result they live on welfare as ingengents. it was in the newspapers a few years ago, long island women prostituting themselves while their husbands were at work. in the port authority they urinate and vomit all over the stair wells. a jerk named doug emmons picked me up by the neck and threw me off my property. he is a cocaine user. Plenty of New Yorker's families owned slaves and they boast and are proud of it. They bragged about it to me. My family never owned slaves. I don't know why New Yorkers are so proud of it.
witch craft is quite popular in new york. every christmas the lead witch, susan thompson would organize everyone in bloomingburg and wurtsboro to come on my property with candles and sing to a piece of stone that was there. she even brought her lawyer dennis greenwald with her. the local veterans would be there to shooting off guns.
Look at all the idiots a while back, rioting on Wall Street.
Then there is roy accarino of walker valley road, burlingham, nys. he experiments on animals and put them into shock. he also sells illegal electric equipt. off the books.
also a pervert named al hunt, who is married, grabbed me one day and stuck his tongue in my mouth and called me the C word.
also the local gas stations (some of them) were chop shops. the state troopers wouldn't do anything about it because they had their contracts to get their cars fixed there.
also i saw a truck driver leave his truck on the side of the road and get under a cow and suck its utter. this is bestiality.
the nys troopers rented porno from my husbands store. their wives weren't good enough for them to get excited, so they watched a lot of porno.
i really believe new yorkers are walking around brain dead. now you can see why.
And the kids are disgusting, they mouth off to adults like the trash that they and their families are. they even spit at me.
Dawn of Havestraw, Rockland County,ny born and raised there, got pregnant 5 times by 5 different males because she couldn't deal with having her period. This whore gets welfare too. Three weeks after her 3rd baby, she was in a bar getting drunk. I also took her to court for attacking me. They just kept postponing the case. This whore is a catholic. She has a catholic friend who had 9 abortions. She uses abortions for birth control.
Viola ross of burlingham, ny likes to tease truck drivers. maybe she'll get what she deserves from them. New york state spends 24 billion in their school system and 80% of the students are illiterate. This idiot joe cozzo of staten island told me to leave my husband to sleep with him, and he's a dovoted catholic. One of my neighbors in new York state made about 10 obscene calls to me. He said he wanted to do oral sex on me. Thats's what you can expect from an incest family. I trapped him with the phone company & he had to go to court and was made to see a head doctor. A janitor at the Pine Bush Middle School, NYS carries guns in his truck to the school. A male new Yorker 6 feet tall punch me in the nose. He is a catholic too. He is always high on drugs too. Kathy O'Donahue, of Queens, New York use to sell blank doctor prescription to get money. She works for the Catholic Church on and off the books too. This is what catholics are like. Lisette (Lopez) O'Donahue has been a hard core drunk all her life. SHE retired from Manufactures Trust with a full pention. Her new husband Thomas O'Donohue was a heroin addict for most of his life & was an executive of New York Telephone and retired from there with a cushy pention. Lyn Barnes, from Bloomingburg, NY was a social worker for the state of New York. She lived like a pig & her kids were always dressed like slobs. She made good money, but cried poverty. She took all the free-bee she could get from churches & people. Just another bum.
Here is another Bloomingburg, NY thief. He is a farmer that claims he can't read or write, but he sure knows his almighty dollar. He sells hams for 3 times of what they are worth. He goes to the Methodist church every Sunday, claiming to be a Christian.
New Yorkers must think about what they do every day, it will help cure them.
it was a real circus act. They're just a bunch of Neanderthals. Quite derelict don't you think.
Since 2009 New Yorker's are buying more guns out of state and committing more violent crimes.
In tropical storm Irene, New Yorker's committed all kinds of crimes violent as well as felonies. This goes on in New York too. People in NYC and Middletown, NYS put on sun glasses and cry they are blind to get money. They should go blind.
Take a good look at a lot of New Yorkers, they have dirt rings around their necks. Here is another idiot of New York. A male in Queens ran up to me and tried to bight my breast.
thank God you are belittled in the world. What a bunch of simple minded idiots.
I report the facts and these are the facts. By the way, New York State is easy to goof on.
All these so called people in this blog are white and they are a disgrace to my race. I will make sure they are heard about. As you can see, they are the subculture to the cockroaches. Another thing about New Yorkers, 5 different times they drugged me with a date rape drug. Twice it was I think it was the state troopers. A dyke beat me up when I was 16 years old in New York. Her name is Maureen and she live in Queens, New York. Watch for this in New York. A lot of the females have heavy mustaches. They must be practicing manhood. The politicians of New York State had the nerve to ask me to let them use my NYS building for FREE for their campaigns. The nerve of them, with all their money. Because I said no, they busted the windows in my building. There is a couple who live on Burlingham Road, Bloomingburg, Burt and Gail who put their three little boys on psychotic drugs, so as the government would support their boys, and that is quoting them.
Here is how stupid New Yorkers are. Rick DeWitt lives in Walker Valley, NY. One day one of his friends slapped him on the top of his head. He got so mad. He said, you hit me on the soft part of my head. He said, all people are born with that soft part on their head. He was 40 years old at the time and still thinks he has a soft part on his head like babies do. What idiots.
Dusty Winters of Middletown, New York, faked back injuries in the Army, because he thought basic training was too hard. They let him out of the military. Kim Winters is so simple minded, that she married Rick De Witt thinking he would support her for the rest of her life. Chances are she is on Welfare now.
I have witness dead chickens hanging from the fences in NYS, this is what the state allows & likes. This is the truth too, a New York City bartender in a hospital with a white coat on telling women he is a gynecologist, if they need an exam. I stumbled on this fact.
In New York City, the males stand under the stairs to look up the females dresses & now they have cameras to help them.
One day 30 yrs. ago while I was in a Lowe's Hardware Store in Walden, New York State, a so called man punched his little boy in the nose and broke his nose. No one did or said anything. I said to him, what are you out of your mind. He said i'll do the same thing to you. Back then there were no cell phone. By the time I got to a phone about a half hour later, they were gone. I often wonder about the poor boy and his mother the abuse they were putting up with.
Here are some more New York State idiots. I signed a 1 year contract with Terminix in New York State to spray my house for carpenter ants. The third time they came to my house the guy sprayed urine thru my whole house. The house stunk forever from it. The guy swore he didn't do that. I certainly know the smell of urine. I broke the contract & I think I reported them to BBB. I was furious.
There is this New York female who always use to follow me around. One day she said to me, " All I ever wanted in this world was to look like you". I thought, how small mined of her. Never the less, I told her she had a long way to go before she would ever look as good as me.
Another thing I must mention. Horton Hospital of Middletown, New York was selling speed to a drug dealer from Bloomingburg, NY. He always stood on the corner selling bottles of speed. I know this because my step sister use to buy black beauties from him. She was stupid, it killed her. Horton Hospital is closed down now. But I must bring this issue up too.
These idiots can barely speak the English language, no less ANY other language. New Yorker's by no means are the sharpest tool in the shed. They really, really hinder the country.
They're all failures.