i never saw it in myself but others musts of. everyone in new york use to call me "cleopatra". i always stood out in a crowd. when i walked down the street, people would say here comes cleopatra. the women just hated me. they would insult me and some of them even attacked me. one man offered me diamonds and a house if i would marry him. i was just to young and wasn't ready for marriage. i wanted to work. i went for an interview at Met. Life Ins. Co. they didn't want to hire me because they said i was too pretty and they would train me and then i would take off and get married. i convinced them to hire me. i really liked met life. it was a lasifaire company. we did our work and no one bothered us. but i got an offer to work and pan american airlines and took it. pan am was a Marxist company. the people were disgusting. they cursed at me and threatened me. one woman even poisoned me. (pan am will be in another blog). i designed pan am stewardesses uniforms and they never paid me the 40 million for it. i never gave them any more of my ideas after that. i left pan am after a decade. the monkey men there would grope me. one of them even ejaculated on my dress.
soon after leaving pan am i meet my wonderful husband. i wouldn't trade a minute with him for anything. we moved to a hillbilly town upstate new york. they couldn't deal with my beauty and brains either. the old men would call me a "pretty little Pussy". the judge in the town would call me a sex pot. some of the monkey people their would attack me.
i forgot about this. i did a photo shoot for este lauder years ago. i was hated even more for that. new yorkers are just plain brain dead.
I was also asked to model for Windsor Canadian Whiskey. I turned it down because I did not want to represent a bunch of drunks. I can also imagine the feedback i would have gotten from that.
after 10 years of that we moved to the South. i must still be "all that" cause one day a man in the store said to me, "i could stand here and look at you all day". another time in a store a man stopped me to talk to me. we talked for about 20 minutes. he said i looked simply charming and i was delightful to talk to. i'm so glad to be in the south. the people appreciate me for who i am.
i still have repercussions from new york state. you can read about that in my other blogs.
i am so happy new york had a terrible hurricane. i'm still waiting for the rest of new york state to have a disaster. then they will appreciate the little things in life.
new yorkers do make an internation crisis out of every little thing.
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