New York State troopers sent one of the sociopaths in my house and they spit in my food. That's how dirty New Yorkers are. They made keys to my house and come in when ever they want to. They even put blood in my food. They wiped crap on my bedroom walls. They are a danger to us all. Dirty bums like them aren't going to scare me or upset me into moving out of my beautiful Southern home. The troopers of New York State did something to my cameras, so I can't get any pictures of them in my house.
Even a paranoid schizophrenic has more sense than they do.
New Yorker are in the 3rd basket. That's were the doctors have put them. They can't be helped .Their IQ's are so low, the have an inferior vocabulary. The doctors recommend a lobotomy for all of them. The only way New Yorkers can express their selves is with violence. Because their IQ's are so low the can't reason or rationalize in the world. Their vocabularies are so retarded that they are uneducatable. They can learn nothing of value. Their IQ's keep getting lower and lower. The are degenerate because they have a degenerate to lead them. Their minds are so diseased that they can't cope of function in our world. They are psychopaths too. They have no feelings of guilt when the harm someone. They willingly do these things and they really think they are doing no wrong. As a matter of fact they think they have the right to do what they do. Deal with it you slobs. Evidentially New Yorkers never had to deal with the truth. Face up to it.
I spit in New York States face and that's all you deserve.
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