Monday, May 25, 2015

Big Joke State

Carolina is a real joke.  They are suppose to be Bible believing people, yet they don't know the Bible.  North Carolina Courts are ridiculous.  They act like they are smart.  As soon as the people of North Carolina opens their mouth u can tell they are ignorant. It was easy to beat Rachel in court.  I had no problem doing so. Rachael was even couched by the mediator and couldn't speak well at all.  Dumb asses in this state.
North Carolina court is idiot enough to let Rachael bring in a stupid case.  These people are totally continuous too.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

North Carolina Is not Too Great

I have live in North Carolina for decades.  I always bragged about how great the people in North Carolina are.  It was definitely a mistake.  These people are not any better than anyone else.  One of them has taken 18 years to forgive me for something stupid and they are a Christian.  I tell you the people around here are HIGHLY SENSITIVE.  You say any little thing to them and they will hold it against you for years.  At least up North people get use to things said to them and let it go.  The people around here are also a bunch of stuffed shirts.

Do you know women are not allowed to wear sleeveless dresses or shirts in the banks.  Also the women around here don't wear perfume, except for their husbands.  Also the kids in the schools can't go swimming in bathing suits because it is considered obscene.  COME ON!!!  This is the 21 century.  They really hold back the people in the Bible Belt.  I use to see their point in these things, but I don't any more.  It is all mid evil to me. 

Tomorrow I am going to court in a sleeveless dress.  The court will probably die of shock.  It is really stupid the way some people believe.  I am a Christian but I have never heard of such stupid stuff. 

Also a lot of married women don't drive.  It gives there husbands more control over them and that's the truth.  Also, look around North Carolina.  A lot of the women have long hair.  They tell me their husbands won't allow them to cut it.  This place is ridiculous.

This guy is really funny, all though not too smart, he is funny.  This guy told me his uncle gets a social security check from the Civil War.  All he knows is his Uncle fought in some war.
If women wear skirts above their knees in N.C. they are considered trash.  The Church here have even made up a song about mini skirts.  They have the nerve to sing it.

Some of the men here won't talk to me, because they don't think it looks right  for a man to talk to a woman. 

I have studied the KJV Bible for 25 years and do you know I know more about the Bible than 85% of the people around here.  Some of the people talk a good talk but, nothing lines up with the Bible what they say.  I asked one woman what the gifts of God were and she did not know.  I asked another person why Jesus died and they could not give me an answer.
I think most of these so called Christians just put on a big act and are not really Christians at all.  Pretty bad, when you are born in the Bible Belt and don't know the Bible.
People in North Carolina really are stupid. Even the courts are not very intelligent. They don't know the words anatomy, voice stress, commodity, etc.  How stupid can people get in this century.

It's going on 3 decades I been living in North Carolina and I sick of more phony's here too.
But, they have the right to believe what they want.
On the most part I think people like this may be brain dead to be brain washed with this midevil stuff.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Why Did The United States Military Do This?

The United States Military thinks they are just so damn great.  They won't even help one of their brothers, a Marine stuck in a Mexican prison for a long time.  So certainly they aren't going to help me, a woman that never did anything bad to anyone, who is and has been tortured for 25 years by New York State idiots.  Why of course not.  Why would the whole damn Military help anyone in America.  You don't really think that all of them actually care about the American people do you.
No way.  They just want everyone to tell them how great they are and want all the citizens to say how much they gave for America.  It is all a bunch of BS.  They US Military is crap and always will be.
Don't ever think the WHOLE Military will ever help that Marine in a Mexican Prison.  The worse think about his case is he still thinks America is a great country. If all the Military won't help him, they will defiantly not help me.  And don't think they'll ever help anyone in this country.  They are cowards and that's all they'll ever amount too.
In the 1980's the Air Force deserted one of their own too.  He need mental health help and the Air Force cut his benefits out.  He had no way to survive except on welfare.  He had a terrible time getting welfare too.  He never got the mental health help he need either.  I'm not sure what happened to him.

Monday, May 26, 2014

The Catholic Church and Their Money

The Catholic Church is so busy raking in the money, they have lost sight of God and His will.  The Catholics build big fancy Cathedrals and Churches with fancy expensive stained glass windows.  They pay a lot of money to buy idol statues to pray to in their churches.  They spend money on real gold chalices for their masses.  If you need prayer you have to pay and buy prayer cards.
This is not what the Almighty God wants.  It's all a waste of money.  Has any Catholic tried asking their church to pay their electric bill because they are too poor to pay it?  The Catholic Church won't pay it for you.
The Catholics are so caught up in greed, it is sickening.  Why don't they help Israel, who is in  real need of help.  Catholics pull in billions of dollars every year, tax free and they won't help anyone.
The news should show all their big expensive churches around the world.  That's all the Catholic Church does. 
What about all the priest that raped little kids.  Do you approve of that?  It was covered up by the church.
If you want to be catholic go right ahead. That's your freedom of choice. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Minds of Killers

Killers should be disposed of as soon as possible.  They are capable of anything evil.  They don't belong with normal people.  Their brains are defective.  Serial killer have held jobs for 20 to 30 years, but that doesn't make them right in the head.  It doesn't make them smart because they get away with killing either.  Females are just as capable of being out of their mind killers, too.
I witnessed one New York female beat a man up for no reason.  She just flipped out, went coo-coo.  Her name is Dawn, formerly of Terry Lane, Stony Point, New York.  She is capable of murder for no reason.
The female bullies on the internet that harass others are insane.  Two of them drove a girl to suicide.
The have no remorse either, not any killer.
Killer are very unhappy and miserable.  They can't stand to see anyone happy.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

New Yorker's Tried to sell Me Into Slavery

I'll just give you the facts.  I don't fell like going into deep details.  I was transfer to the New Jersey Office of Pan American Airlines.  It was a small part of New York's Office.  All the people who worker there were New Yorkers.
Thru the office  grapevine they all ostracized me for about a year.  I started to get sick.  I was being poisoned. I noticed my nails starting to turn blue.  I even fell down the stairs one day I was so weak.  They all waited for about an hour before they took me to a hospital.  I heard Jim Quinton, Jim Fury,  Joe Vitta, Paul Vitta & Cliff Veth talking around me.  They weren't sure if they were going to take me to the hospital.  They were discussing if they should ship me off to Italy right then.  They argued we should do it now, that the Mob in Italy was going to give 25 million for me.  Now that I think of it, it was 25 thousand dollars.
They decided to take me to the hospital.  The hospital couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.  As soon as I got back to the Rockleigh, New Jersey office, I waited till I could drive and I left and never went back.
Did you hear about all the human trafficking that was busted 2-3-14 in New York and other Northern States?  It doesn't surprise me.

Monday, December 2, 2013

New York States Pride Song

Yes, you're the great pretenders,
Pretending you're something great,
You're just a piece of crap
And I said it just like that,
Yes you stink, you pretenders.