Thursday, February 28, 2013

Prostitues of New York State

These are just a small number of the prostitutes in up-state New York.  Bubbles they call her.  She is from Newburg.  She tells everyone she gets her money from Mary Kay, but it's from prostitution.  There is also one the call princess with pimples all over her face.  Then there is the one they call the countess and one they call the queen, she is as big as a house.  the males frequent them and a lot of these males are married.  That's something the government should find a way to tax.  These females don't have any brains to do anything else.
There's an old white house across the street from horton hospital in middletown.  There is a fat old dirty slob man there that lays in bed all day.  he has females all over the house prostituting.  i wanted to see it for myself, so i investigated one day.  it's true, they're all prostitutes.  this was in the year 1990.  if he can do it, why doesn't the gov't.

Why doesn't the gov't make a red light district in New York Sate for the  prostitutes and charge them taxes.  Holland does it and it works very well for them.  I just trying to help New York State with ideas to get more tax money.  New Yorkers are selfish, they don't want to help their own state raise taxes.
Another thing I should get a bonus check for giving you my idea.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Lust For Blood

there are many different lusts. one is the lust of blood. have you noticed how hollywood is appealing to that lust for blood with the movies they produce. the more killing and violence the better ratings they get. also have you ever gone to a hockey game and when 2 players get into fight on the ice the crowd gets up and cheers an applauds. to stand back and analyze this, this shows a sick bunch of people in our society. it is a lust of violence and it is a sin. if someone is gentle and loving, they are considered a sissy even weak, especially if it's a man. a lot of our society mistake a gentle person for a weak person but it's just not true.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Joe Vitta a Wierdo A Canabal

joe vita lives in east meadow, long island, new york. he was suppose to buy all my furniture. after he got it all he never gave me a dime for it.
when i was at his house he put a gun to my head and "said if i ever left he would kill me". he made me strip down to no clothes. he made me lay on my bed and he did oral sex on me. He tried to chew my clitoris off.  It took all my strength to get away from him.  i put on my clothes and got in my car as fast as i could and left. i was in such pain, i went to a doctor the next day.
i would not be surprised if he did this to other young girls and kids. at pan am he was always rubbing up against me. he was a dirty old man. i use to see him rubbing against all the young girls at pan am.
he deserves to be crippled. it was premeditated by God that he should be crippled and all cut up,because God knew he would be no good.
he is a racketeer to. he call his self red and his contact is blue. they use to read off numbers on the phone to each other. he always had a lot of money on him too
.  I witnessed him eating cat brain one time too.  He has always been brain dead.  He and his mafia family are devoted catholics.