Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Stalked on Satellite by New Yorker State

This has been going on since 1991. when this started with the troopers, they asked be to pose for them in my underwear. i was shocked. now them and their flunkies hack in my computer, robbed my house. stole clothing and jewelry from me. they even leave stamps in my car. from what i read on the fbi files is sounds like a sextortion crime.  But I am too old for that kind of crime. But I know there are FBI files on Senior Citizens & young people satellite crimes. they must have made keys to my house, because there are no signs of forced entry. they even went as far as putting voice in my house with a satellite. they make comments all the time when i'm in the shower or getting undressed.  If this happens to you, take your shower anyway & just remember it is only a body & everyone has the same thing, no matter what remarks are made. Another good way to get thru this crime is with the KJV Bible.  There is great stuff in there that will definitely see you thru.  This was my only weapon for this disgusting crime.  There are only about 600 crimes like this each year in America.  We are not important enough for the FBI to help, so you can probably forget about them helping you. after all these years i just either ignore them or tell them they are intellectually derelict. they put me in the hospital for 4 days and i almost died, because i wasn't eating well and not getting enough sleep. they hounded me so much i had seizures.
Trooper McGreer is really insane.  He came in my house and stole all the bloody kotex out of my trash can.  He said, he wanted them.  He is probably a vampire after my blood.
this crime has been going on since 1991. The whole troopers  department is covering for them.  the nys troopers have been tapping my phone sinc 1991.  Mc Greer gets on the phone and mones and groans. they want to shut me up and get rid of me so, they are trying to do it with a satellite crime on my life. description of these troopers in 1991: mc greer: crew cut brown hair, green teeth, 5FT 11 inches tall, filthy hands and a weird shaped head, catholic.
antiono: 6ft. tall, dark dark straight hair,a pierced ear, buck teeth, catholic.
I recognize another one of them.  Dawn from Havestraw, Rockland Co. She has 5 kids from 5 different men and is on welfare.  She use to always charge calls to my phone.  The phone company and I stopped her though.
There are other troopers involved but I don't know who they all are.
the nys troopers devised a long elaborate crime to get rid of me. they even put me thru seizures too.trooper antino use to sit in the police car on my property to look thru the window at me. i told him to get lost and never come back and stay lost.
one of the troopers asked me what i do in the shower.  i guess he does piggy stuff in the shower. another trooper asked me if i still have my period back in 1991...he wanted to get in my pants desperately. And I have no phobias about religion or race.With out a doubt, I knew New Yorker were going to pull some more of their crap on me.  So i gathered as much information on them as possible.
There is more about New Yorker that I have on other blogs and it's all the truth.  I live in their heads forever rent free mortgage free and tax free. They are under my power, they can't get me out of their heads.  They think about me every minute of the day. The New York flunkies will think about me forever.  They even use magic to touch my breast. Read some of the satellite crimes  I have put in my blogs to see the similarities.
They said they were going to do the same thing to my mother when they were finished with me.  She was killed in 2010.
The sheriffs don't know what to do about it, but they know it goes on and that it happens to people.
I've been many places in the world but never met more violent ignorant people than new yorkers.  More and more New Yorkers are joining them.  It was all planned   by the state troopers.  New Yorkers never could rely on having brains to get them anywhere in life.   They know who they all are.I report the facts and these are the facts.  They even admit they are stupid.  They don't care they want it that way.  You have to except the truth whether you want to or not.  You must think about these facts every day.  They can't be cured.
They are psychopaths and they can never be cured.  They all don't even have the guts to face me because they know I would straighten their faces out once and for all. They a cowards.
All of New Yorkers weaknesses can't over shadow all my strengths.  There is no use in me moving, because they are stupid enough to keep following me.  It's just like New Yorkers to do something worthless and insane.  They sound like idiots that have been institutionalized all their lives and they probably are.
They keep saying, "get the fuck in the street & give us everything you got."
All their weaknesses can't compare to all my strengths.
If this ever happens to you, be brave.  There are many of them against 1 person.  Tell them what idiots they are and mock them as much as possible.  This may not get rid of them but you'll get some satisfaction out of it.  Maybe some of them will drop dead from taking fits.  They are the biggest cowards ever.  They are real cowards they won't face you one on one.  They wouldn't even have the nerve to say the filthy things they say to your face.  So do the best you can and enjoy your life.  They are miserable and that is another satisfaction.
Now they're putting a loud noise in my ear.  They just won't quit.
They have a lot of mentality definition  too.  They have no idea what to say.
They will try every trick on you they can think of, but they're still idiot. It is very gratifying to write about all the New York State Slobs.  It's good to know that they are being know about everywhere.    They said the US Gov't and people in the US use it on people too. 

On 10-17-13 one of the New York mental midgets came in my house and turned the stove on.  I believe they did this hoping to set my house on fire.
I am convinced that these people are a dangerous , that is why they are so persistent.  That is one reason they said they want to shave my head and burn my hair off.  Occults do things like this.  And they are still coming in my house stealing my belongings.  Occults are eerie by all means and not welcome by the normal and average person.  They force their selves on people.  They are bizarre and completely out of their minds the things they do.

Please pass this on to your families in other countries & friends everywhere.  I thank you.  I have the best lawyer in the world.  New  York State WILL pay.
More in likely if this is happening to you, it is probably New York State doing it because this is the kind of thing they do.  New Yorker's even put me in a cage overnight one time when I lived up there, so don't think they aren't capable of the most gruesome crimes.

The Best I can Say About New York State

I'll profile the idiots new york murderers for you, most of them think they are smart but are real idiots  . they can't get anywhere in life without cheating, lieing and stealing either. stupidity runs in their families. they are only persistent about being idiots and morons. they'll keep committing murder until they get caught and then cry like sissy's. they were born violent and with no self control. they are the height of laziness. they ARE THE SCUM OF THE WORLD.
new york state has a mob mentality. they can't settle anything like human beings. they are driven by their hate and low mental capacity.  They are low, contentious,  can’t control their tempers, lie constantly, have no class and those are the nice things to say about them.
Also you new yorkers all have your father, satans looks and traits.
What else could you ask for.  You got super storm sandy, you got 9-11, you had a tornado in the bronx.  You want more, then God will give you more. 
The New Yorkers should all take male enhancing drugs.  Maybe that will help them.
New York State is indicualuosy stupid.
Look at some of the things New Yorkers murder for, shoes, jealousy, an argument over something stupid, a color someone is wearing, and moran stuff like that.  You females of New York should learn how to sit in a mini skirt.  You don't sit with your legs open.  The rest of you look so phony  trying to sit in those tight mini skirts in the subways and restaurants.  It is sickening to look at you.
Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies;  that i might destroy them that hate me.  Then did I beat them small as the dust before the wind: I did cast them out as the dirt in the streets.
New Yorkers, you are pethic and hard up and desperate to do the things you do.
If anyone ever wants to see a freak show, go to New York.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Consider the Ant

the ant works all summer to store up what it needs for the winter and the year. maybe the ant should get $189,000.00 a year instead of new york cops. God's going to find a way to whip new york state for it's laziness and jealousy. no one has the right to be jealous except God. God is a jealous God and has the right to be. look at all the idols new york state has all over the place. statues to worship everywhere. stinking Sodom and Gomorrah.
now new york state you can't compete with anyone in the country or the world. you backwards and always will be.

Jealousy Is New Yorks Mental Illness

jealousy is a mental illness. it comes from satan. people that are jealous have twisted and distorted minds. they will do anything to feed their jealousy. they will do the most insane things. they will murder, lie, and invent the most terrible crimes for their sickness. they don't live in the real world. they can't even see straight with their jealousy. certainly you've heard of the murders jealous idiots commit. what a waste of time. the Bible says jealousy is reserved for God.
Just like hate is a brain disease.  It is embedded deep in the brain and will never be taken out.  The same goes for violence.  It is a terrible brain disorder and disease.  I'm glad I don't have to live with any of this. 
I have seen cross sections of brains of these kind of people and they are not developed as a normal human beings brain is.  As a matter of fact there is a dramatic difference in their brains. 

Some Ideas For Treating Jealousy
Treatment options for this condition are available if the person is willing to admit that there might be something wrong. Nobody really knows what causes pathological jealousy in paranoid personality disorder, but it has been traced back to childhood experiences and possibly some genetic factors. Psychotherapy is the main treatment that has been used to help people with this condition. The most difficult thing about the treatment is the person with the condition has a difficult time trusting the mental health worker. If this initial stage of distrust can be breached, then the therapy has been proven to work. There are also some medications available to treat the condition, but they do not get to the root of the problem.

Friday, January 18, 2013

New York States Resume

new York's IQ........-2500
their social standing.... they are perverts and undesirables of the world
their secret desires...... to live in and they dream of bestiality
their qualification.......... they are dirty rude cruel afraid of the truth about their selves they stink most likely because they don't bath very often, they have bad breath, they are loud mouths that don't make a good point, they rape little kids and old women,
their education.............was obtained in the gutters and in bed.
their be human

here is your resume new york get the job you are truly qualified for.

The Kids of New York State

new yorkers do a good job with the whores. the bible says drop your seed in the belly of the whores rather than on the yorkers sure did a good job of that. there are plenty of whores all over new york state. the idiots get pregnant and become indigents on welfare. then they run around showing off their bastard children.
the kids in new york state even have incest and live in the back woods of the state in broken down buses.they are dirty and filthy. they don't even wash. it's not just the nys kids , it's incest with their parents too.
You whore monger males will pay for it too.  Why do you females believe them when they tell you they love you.  At least hold out for a diamond ring and make them marry you.  The true love comes with all the heartaches too in life.  But you heifers will never learn your lesson.
I wonder how many bastard they all have.
You did it to yourselves.  Now they know what everyone thinks of them, but no one has the nerve to say.
the kids are also too stupid to earn their money and stuff.  why don't they drop dead instead of the old people and leave the world to the wisdom of the older generation.
Now, don't any of you try and think, you'll hurt yourselves.
Read the kjv Bible. Bastards have no place in the congregation for 10 generation.  The partakers are to be chastised.
If you're planning to have an abortion, go to an abortion clinic first.  They put a bucket on the floor and drop all the little babies in it.  The little babies hands are sticking up out of the bucket with blood on their hands.  So think twice about getting pregnant.  With all the whore in New York State there should be enough for the whole country's whore mongers.

why don't you take a fit...that will do you a whole lot of good.
i really like my first amendment right and my right to bare arms.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

New York State and Graveyards

new yorkers spend as much time at the graveyards as possible. the march to the graveyards and sing to graves and do a whole big ceremony in the grave yards. what do they think they are Jesus? do they think they are going to resurrect their dead? the Bible says bury your dead and follow Jesus. they call themselves Christians in new york state. what a sorry bunch of bums they all are. absolutely hideous.


NYS Hospitals Complain of Drug Addicts

This is right from nys hospital personnel. The drug addicted state workers, IBM and AT&T tie up the hospitals in nys more than anyone else. The hospital workers say billions are spent on these drug addicts, when the money could be put to better use helping senior citizen getting better medical care and housing. They say it is disgusting, they get paid high money and excellent benefits and go on hard drugs. The hospital workers don't even know how they keep their jobs they are so drugged out.
This information was volunteered by the hospital workers in nys.

Why does New York Telephone have heroin addicts that are executives? Remember Thomas O'Donahue a heroin addict.  You promoted him to an executive position.  Remember Richard Schwert. He was a heroin addict too, you hired. That's right you do it NY Telephone.
IBM, remember all the drug addicts you hired?  Jerry Galher was a heroin addict.  Thank God he's dead.
No wonder you're not doing well.  Drug addict companie in New York.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Let Me Tell You A Few Things About Great Jesus

He was no scrawny, long haired, dirty hippie as a lot of artist and churches portray Him.  He was strong.  He hung on a cross for a long time without dieing.  He carried a huge cross up to Calvary after being beaten and whipped.  I'm so glad my church does not portray him as a wimp.  we don't even hang a cross in my Church because the cross was a shame.  Jesus is King.  He came down from His throne as a Jew.  He most likely had dark hair and dark eyes.  Jesus Christ is a gentlemen.  He doesn't force his self on anyone.  i'm sick of all of you insulting Him and I'm sure He is too.  to you who are so ignorant to portray him as dirt, you can kiss off.  Don't ever let me hear you insult Jesus Christ again , all you brain dead jerks.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

No Class, No Charm, Etc.

the kids of new york state have absolutely no decent assets.  those jeans hanging around asses come from the prison system.  the rings in their tongues and noses and belly buttons are ridiculous.  jeans went out of style 40 years ago.  that shows you how backwards they are.  You'd be doing yourselves more justice if you dressed like Jethrow.  i can get the new york state adults in on this one too.  the males look doofy with their long hair.  when is new york state going to come up to the 21st century.  all the nys kids need is a bone thru their noses and they'll be all set for the jungles of the world.  they should try preparation h on their faces, it may be an inprovement.
they have no class, no finesse, no charm, and nothing elegant about them.

New Yorkers are as hideous, stupid, and as primitive as they have always been.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New York States Future

  you think super storm sandy was bad and you're looking for pity.  just you wait and see what the Almighty God has in store for the state in the future.  new york state is Sodom and Gomorrah.  Own up to it New York.  the state has always been an abomination to God the Father.  just wait and see what happens to the filthy place.
the only time they mention Gods name is to curse it.  New York State can't recognize the symptoms of insanity but I can.  They should all be locked up in Creedmoor State Institution for the rest of their lives.  They have to face the truth about their selves.  They are no good.  They are the crouch rot of the nation.  I will have to remind everyone every day about them.  They must face the facts about them selves for their own good.
no one can cheat God out of His jokes on new york state.
On second thought 9-11 was a good thing.  Lets see who else God can use against New York State.

NYS Truck Drivers

they are the filthiest things i have ever seen. it's the only job they can get with the dirty records and dirty mouths. they pull off the roads and peep in windows. they fit right in with the rest of new york state. they have a crime ring with the troopers too. they get information about people and rob and assault women.
by the way it was truck drivers who killed john row with the troopers in bloomingburg, new york state.

A truck driver shot a bullet thru my window of my car while i was driving down the road in Fair Oaks, New York State. The truck driver was from middletown.
You don't like what i says!!  How about moving your brain dead asses out of the country.