Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Another New York State Idiot

I was 14 years old and got a job as a waitress part time.  One day a woman NYC Lawyer came into the place I was working at.  She had lunch.  As she was about to leave she said, here is a penny tip for you, and then thru it at me.  I looked her right in the eye and said, bend over , you're really are more hard up for it than I am.  She went rambling out of the place, making a scene.
This is another example of what New Yorkers are like.

Song Especially For New Yorkers

This song was inspired by a Johnny Mathis song.  I especially wrote it for the scum of New York State.

Chances are, you've always been insane.
You've never been in your right mind.
Chances are you'll always be behind.
Chances are the world will go on,
but chances are you'll always be left behind.
Chances are you're backward and behind.