Saturday, March 30, 2013

God Speaks to New York State

But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies,  your tongue hath spoken perverseness.

None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.

For they persecute him whom thou hast smitten; and they talk to the grief of those whom thou hast wounded.

Add iniquity unto their iniquity: and let them not come into thy righteousness.

Let their eyes be darkened, that they see not; and make their loins continually to shake.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

God will execute the Churches

The Catholic Priest wear all black because they want to look like the SS in Nazi Germany.  Hitler was a devoted Catholic.  The Catholics have lent when  isn't even mentioned in the Bible.  Passover is mentioned in the Bible.  This Church puts ashes on their peoples head to prepare them for the mark of the beast.  This church gambles for filthy money in the Church. They have bingo all the time.  This church is the richest church in the world and they don't feed their hungry, nor do they visit the elderly and nor do they visit the prisons.  Remember Jesus was in prison too.  Why won't this church tell everyone exactly what they do with their billions of dollars they get from people.  This church teaches the catechism instead of the Holy Bible. This church puts a crown on the popes head and bows down to him and calls him holy father.  Only Jesus should be called holy father.  What nerve the catholic church has saying they wrote the holy Bible.  Take a good look at this church catholics.  Why does the catholic church charge people for prayers. They are the mafia, the cartel & Hitler.  What does the catholic church bless peoples throats with candles.  What is the church playing with candles for, like satan worshipers do.  There is a book out that I read about the catholic church.  It says it is the biggest occult in the world.  All the catholics I met in New York State are just like what the book describes.

The Methodist and the Lutheran church have women preachers.  The Bible says God doesn't call women to be preacher, just teachers.  These churches have rummage sales in the house of God.  Don't people remember how enraged Jesus got when the temple was used to buy and sell.  He tore the temple apart.  This goes for the Presbyterian church too.  Why are these churches selling food in their churches, when the food was donated to them to give to the poor. You churches dress up in fancy expensive garb and call yourselves holy.  I can't even imagine how many Innocent people you put in hell.  There is blood on your hands.  None of these churches teach their people the Bible. These churches play around with candles too, like satan worshipers do. A bunch of hag women run these church. They sell food & have rummage sales in the churches. All these things these churches do for "the love of money". They prefer their people to be ignorant.  The Bible says if you want to be ignorant go ahead and be ignorant.
It's no wonder true Christians can't convert people with these kind of things going on.  The Moslem's can convert people because they are serious about their god.
I have found these churches to be exhibitionist.
I doubt that these churches are even Christians.
God's clock is at the stroke of 11:55. If you think I am harsh wait until you stand before Holy God.
You are already responsible for innocent blood.
Thank God I have Jesus and not religion.  You churches have to face the truth & the facts.  I report the fact.  An informant told me these churches have a contract out on me, especially the catholic church.  They must face the truth about their selves.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Stupid Wise Potato Chip Corp

I had trouble with Wise Potato Chip Corp.  I was driving down the road in New York State , and they left the truck in the street.  I had no choice but to hit it.  There was another car coming in the opposite direction.  I would have killed the driver in that car if  I didn't think fast and hit the truck.  I tryed to reason with Wise, but they said take us to court.  So I set a court date.  I was all ready to go to court in 2 weeks.  Wise put the case off for a year.  Wise Corp. lawyer called me.  I told him the court said it was all ready to go.  Get this, Wise Corp lawyer said to me, that was just a token call.
When i got into court with them, they paid a drunk to say all kinds of lies about the accident.  Their witness wasn't even there to begin with.  I presented my case and I won.  The had to pay for my car.  Plus the Corp. Lawyer had to deal with the humiliation of being beat by little old me.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Demons & Vampires & Witches

If you think they don't exist , you're crazy.  New York Sate is full of them.  Witches even threaten to shave my head and take my life away in Middletown, NY and Newburg, NY.  Read my blogs about some of the witchcraft in New York.
Demons are real too.  As a matter of fact one of them named reegoon followed me out of New York State.  It sucks on my breast every day.  It's not too smart either.  He lives in Orange county, NY. I have it under my control.  If you think this can't be done, you're wrong.  Idiots practice magic and can do this.  I've been putting up with this idiot since 1991.
Vampires are real too.  There are women who use to tell me about.  His name is Eddie Huberts.  He is a dovoted catholic.  He convinced young women that had their period to let him perform oral sex on them.   Then there is trooper mc Greer that broke in my house and took all the bloody kotex for his self.  Maybe these vampires would be interested in Bloody Mary, who hangs out in the streets of New York State.
They can make themselves up to look like human beings, but they are not.  There are so many freakish things about them.  Another thing they are obsessed with the human female body.  That's why reegoon sucks my breast.  They may look similar to humans but they're not the least bit human.
Most of these things are in New York State.
If you wonder why New York is getting wacked left and right from God, these are just some of the reason.  All these people are white.  They are a disgrace to my race and should be known about.  They are a true sub culture.
These demons, vampires & witches can't stand me, because I have always exposed them for what they are. One small clue to them is that they will talk like trash.  They will also try to take authority over a Christian.  Just keep saying, "In the name of Jesus Christ, I take authority over you."  They can't stand reading from the Bible either. 
By the way these are all white trash of New York.
I live a very normal and happy life in spite of them.

All Because of an Apple

As sure as Sodom and Gomorrah existed in the Bible, we have another Sodom and Gomorrah and it's New York State.  As sure as God destroyed it in the Bible, He'll destroy New York State.  God is very patient.  But He won't put up with it much longer.  New York State is a rotten apple.

Witchcraft in New York State

This is a true story.  I owed property in New York with a big piece of stone on.  The idiots from Wurtsboro, Bloomingburg and all the nearby communities would gather to worship it.  Susan
Thompson would lead the idiots with her lawyer Dennis Greenwald to worship it.  Susan Thompson is a witch. She lives on main street in Bloomingburg.  They would gather on my property with candles and chant and sing to the stone.  Even the veterans would be there with guns.
One night they were out on my property and I went out their to kick them off and they all turned their guns on me.  They said , we have the right to worship.  What a bunch of crap they all are.  Worship a piece of stone on my property.
Susan Thompson hides in the methodist church, but she is a practicing witch.  Grary & Dennis Greenwald say they are jews, but they aren't true Jews. They are lawyers that Susan Thompson brought with her on my property to worship a piece of stone.
I report the facts and these are the facts.  The Veterans better stop begging me for donations.  I only support my own Veterans.  These idiots never mind their own business.  Speaking of their business, they can't even write an intelligent business letter, but they all think they are the greatest things of the world.
All these so called people are white and should be known about.  They are a disgrace to my race.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The True story about Pan American Airlines

I worked for Pan American World Airlines for several years I can tell you exactly what they were like.  They were making plans for me too.  They had plans to sell me into slavery over seas.
 The managers never wore suits. As a matter of fact the men managers came to work with stains on the seat of their trousers. the lesbian managers gave the straight girls a hard time. They didn't get their jobs on what they knew, but on who they knew. The employees weren't much better. They came to work with bad breath and clothes that didn't even fit them properly. their atire was wrinkled and inapropiate for work.
They left a lot to be desired in the personality department too. Some of the employees would threaten other workers.
Twenty five percent of the employees in the New York and New Jersey couldn't even speak English, the International language.
At Kennedy Airport one day one of the ticket agents took a fit and tore up my plane ticket. ABC is going to put on a program in September about Pan American. I'm going to laugh if they portray the Stewardess as beautiful. They were nothing to look at. Their personalities couldn't even make up for their looks.
They were a bunch of backstabbers if they wanted your job too.

They also use to copulate in the mens room.
There were two men who embezzled from the company too and nothing was done to them.
Pan Am had a regular practice of hiring people to spy on employees. They would follow them after work to see who they would go out with and also pry into employees home lives.

Lucille Pichota came to work with the seams busting out of the back of her pants and she wore the same pants to work every day.
Some of the employees would come to work with garlic around their necks and this was acceptable to Pan Am. There were drugs tranported thru the New Jersey Offices. the mail room was loaded with drugs to be transported.
These are just some of the reasons Pan Am went out of business. pan am people use to crawl thru the vents to the ladies room to watch the women go to the bathroom too. the teamsters union was pan american airlines union. they were for crap. they took money out of employees pay checks but did nothing for it.
they even tried to poison me at the new jersey office. they didn't want me to get to the top at pan american.  There were many, many active communists working in the New York and New Jersey offices.  I can't remember all their names but these are a few of them, Jim Fury, Cliff Veth, Jim Quinton, Tom Conroy, and they were brutal.

Trisha MacDonald came into work with a big belly.  She told everyone she had a tumor in her stomach. The truth is she was pregnant by a IBM male and she had to go have an abortion.
what a scum corp. is was.   Pan American was dominated by queers and no empire ever lasted long with queers at the head.  Remember the Roman Empire.


Friday, March 8, 2013

New York States Filthy Mouths

New York Sate people have the dirtiest mouth I have ever heard.  I hate to put this language in here but these are the thing they say.  The call women cunts,  and the NY females as well as the males call women twats.  they call people mother fuckers,  they say God damn you, and more.  The state could pick up a lot of revenue if they would fine these people.  Don't you think they should come out of the 14 century of barbarians now.  When is someone going to do something about them.  This language proves they are backwards.  I am flabbergasted and insulted and offended by how backwards New Yorkers are.  The dirty stuff that comes out of their mouths.  I really think a $200.00 fine for each vulgarity would force them to think.
I should get a bonus check for this great idea I am giving New York State.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

new york state's mafia

new york state is loaded with the mafia.  the teamsters union is mafia.  probably all the unions are mafia.  they are a bunch of scum.  they run everything in new york state.  and the funny thing is they are all devoted catholics.  they pay off the catholic church to try to ease their conscience for all the crime they do.  i know how crooked the teamsters union is.  they beat me out of 40 million dollars for the uniform i designed and made for pan am airlines.  why should anyone have to pay mafia unions.  i hope they all go bust.
New Jersey,  you protect the mafia too.  So there, you got hit with Sandy too.
let me remind everyone, hitler was a devote catholic.  if you don't believe me, read history.
if you weren't so lazy, you'd look in the Bible.  Jesus calls you all pricks.  that's right He said it.