Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jealousy Is New Yorks Mental Illness

jealousy is a mental illness. it comes from satan. people that are jealous have twisted and distorted minds. they will do anything to feed their jealousy. they will do the most insane things. they will murder, lie, and invent the most terrible crimes for their sickness. they don't live in the real world. they can't even see straight with their jealousy. certainly you've heard of the murders jealous idiots commit. what a waste of time. the Bible says jealousy is reserved for God.
Just like hate is a brain disease.  It is embedded deep in the brain and will never be taken out.  The same goes for violence.  It is a terrible brain disorder and disease.  I'm glad I don't have to live with any of this. 
I have seen cross sections of brains of these kind of people and they are not developed as a normal human beings brain is.  As a matter of fact there is a dramatic difference in their brains. 

Some Ideas For Treating Jealousy
Treatment options for this condition are available if the person is willing to admit that there might be something wrong. Nobody really knows what causes pathological jealousy in paranoid personality disorder, but it has been traced back to childhood experiences and possibly some genetic factors. Psychotherapy is the main treatment that has been used to help people with this condition. The most difficult thing about the treatment is the person with the condition has a difficult time trusting the mental health worker. If this initial stage of distrust can be breached, then the therapy has been proven to work. There are also some medications available to treat the condition, but they do not get to the root of the problem.

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