Sunday, March 17, 2013

Witchcraft in New York State

This is a true story.  I owed property in New York with a big piece of stone on.  The idiots from Wurtsboro, Bloomingburg and all the nearby communities would gather to worship it.  Susan
Thompson would lead the idiots with her lawyer Dennis Greenwald to worship it.  Susan Thompson is a witch. She lives on main street in Bloomingburg.  They would gather on my property with candles and chant and sing to the stone.  Even the veterans would be there with guns.
One night they were out on my property and I went out their to kick them off and they all turned their guns on me.  They said , we have the right to worship.  What a bunch of crap they all are.  Worship a piece of stone on my property.
Susan Thompson hides in the methodist church, but she is a practicing witch.  Grary & Dennis Greenwald say they are jews, but they aren't true Jews. They are lawyers that Susan Thompson brought with her on my property to worship a piece of stone.
I report the facts and these are the facts.  The Veterans better stop begging me for donations.  I only support my own Veterans.  These idiots never mind their own business.  Speaking of their business, they can't even write an intelligent business letter, but they all think they are the greatest things of the world.
All these so called people are white and should be known about.  They are a disgrace to my race.

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